Annie Huntington
Certificate in Human Services
How do you incorporate flexible learning
into your teaching?
Use of ICT (e.g. Moodle books) to provide
structured packages of learning, which can be used with and by students in
different ways. Students offered range of opportunities (in class and outside)
to explore core and supplemental reading and tasks to inform completion of
their assessments.
Who are your students? (i.e. Certs, BSS
Y1,2 &3)
How do you plan and set up the following
for your courses
As per timetable
circulated by course manager.
As agreed at course planning meetings.
Not quite sure what this means. Logistics
(for me) have been around time required to develop on line resources. This includes
developing content and skills associated with using technology (Moodle).
Entry Requirement
Course manager co-ordinates this.
Appropriate to meet performance criteria as
Instructional Approaches & Resources
Learning to learn
embedded into course. Support to facilitate knowledge and skill development to
support learner progress.
Lisa that was a good idea to get email responses from your colleagues. What did you learn from their responses regarding flexible learning?